Mosaic Rile: September 2015

Saturday, September 26, 2015


Perfumes by Federico Mahora (Original Europe Perfumes)
Wewangian itu seperti cinta - semuanya mengenai chemistry ! Apa yang Anda kenakan memberikan signal atau tanda kepada orang-orang di sekitar Anda.
Parfum yang Anda kenakan bahkan dapat membuat mereka tertarik pada Anda atau malah--menyingkir dari Anda!
Parfum Anda merupakan kontribusi pada image yang Anda ciptakan, bersama dengan pakaian atau perhiasan Anda.
Lihatlah apa yang parfum Anda katakan tentang Anda:
Citrus dan keharuman buah – bahan: lemon, Mandarin, note laut – maka anda adalah orang yang bergairah, seorang yang optimis, yang memiliki semangat akan hidup, seni, makanan dan orang. Anda hidup dalam kehidupan yang penuh gejolak. Anda seorang yang penuh percaya diri.
Bunga – bungaan oriental, rempah –rempah, muk, hangat dan cerah seperti amber – anda adalah orang yang sensual dan bertipe petualangan, Suka traveling, bertemu dengan orang – orang baru, mencoba hal-hal baru, suka perubahan. 
Anda tahu bagaimana membuat kesan yang mendalam bagi orang – orang disekitar anda.
Tanah dan note kayu-kayuan, cendana, cedar – Chic dan unik. Anda memiliki gaya tersendiri. Anda menghargai komposisi yang kompleks dan hal – hal yang berkualitas tinggi. Orang – orang menghargai anda karena selalu apa adanya dan teman yang setia.
Chypre, aromatik, fougere(rumput – rumputan), note lavender, daun – daunan. Anda andalah orang yang mencintai alam, hati yang apa adanya. Rumah anda, pakaian anda mencerminkan karakter anda – alami dan nyaman. Itulah sebabnya orang – orang senang ditemani oleh anda.
Air, note laut, – anda adalah seorang yang pria atau wanita yang sportif. Anda tidak dapat hidup tanpa beraktifitas. Anda sela fit, suka akan gaya hidup sehat, dan makanan sehat. Anda tahu bagaimana menjaga diri anda sendiri, begitu juga dengan teman – teman dan keluarga.
Note Bunga – bungaan, lembut, manis – menyenangkan dan cantik, mencerminkan karakteristik wanita yang feminin, romantis dan lembut. Berkelas dan tradisional. Anda paling suka berjalan – jalan selama berjam – jam, membaca buku dan bermain dengan anak – anak.

Informasi lebih lanjut mengenai pemesanan parfum FM hubungi Authorized distributor kami :
Rico A.T
  • BBM : 755E66B0
  • LINE : ricoleon
  • WA : 085266617000
Johana M.S
  • BBM : 745BA50E
  • LINE : hannalysa
  • WA : 089699985512

Friday, September 4, 2015

Google Inc Success Story

Name  : Google Inc
Founded  : 1998
Founder  : Sergey Mikhaylovich Brin
CEO  : Pichai Sundararajan
Industry  : Internet
Sector  : Public
Products  : Google Glass ,Galaxy Nexus ,Nexus Tablet ,Google TV ,Android ,Google Chromecast ,Google Wallet ,Gmail ,Chrome ,
Country  : USA
Website  :

Every day, hundreds of millions of Internet users type search terms into the address bar of their browsers and come face to face with meaningful information. While this everyday task may seem simple and unremarkable, it would be impossible without the innovative thinking of one Internet company: Google. Known around the world as a leader in online search, Google has grown into one of the biggest companies on the Internet. Boasting up to ninety percent market share in many countries, the giant search company owns one of the most popular websites on the entire Internet – the instantly recognizable search page.

Despite Google’s current dominance of search, the company hasn’t always been a major leader. Developed in the late 1990s as a Stanford University computing and data research project, Google’s founders – Sergey Brin and Larry Page – invented a unique way of judging the usefulness of online data known as Page Rank.

The system assessed the value of a website using inbound links to the page, and their anchor text, as a ‘voting’ system. The more links a page had, the more it was worth to the system, and pages with a high worth were quickly pushed to the top of Google’s search results page.

The new system for organizing content on the internet was a massive success, with its PageRank engine producing results that were far more user friendly than those dished up by rival search engines such as Yahoo and HotBot. Google grew into the world’s most popular search engine within four years of launching in 1997. In the early 2000s, Google launched Adwords, an innovative ad network that put online advertising next to search results. The system was an immediate success, drawing in tens of thousands of business users in its first year of operation and pioneering a new form of advertising: search advertising.

A display advertising network, an online email service, a mapping application, and a social network soon followed, with Google establishing its dominance of both search and online utilities. The company continued to innovate throughout the 2000s, with new applications and online storage utilities popping up as time went on. Despite competition in the social arena from Facebook, in the search advertising arena from Yahoo and Microsoft, and threats to its email empire from Hotmail, it’s clear that Google has been the web’s biggest success story to date. The company enjoys a ninety percent market share in many markets and remains very profitable.

From online mapping utilities to space satellites, simple email solutions to global networks of fiber Internet cables, Google continues to innovate beyond its original offerings. With a huge range of products and services built around the simple idea ‘don’t be evil,’ Google is undoubtedly the internet’s most influential company. Whether you’re searching for information, communicating with friends, or looking to run an advertising campaign on the internet, this California-based online giant is undoubtedly a major part of your online life.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The Story of 57 cents - Hattie May Wiatt

A sad little girl stood outside a small church one Sunday morning. Her name was Hattie May Wiatt. She wanted to walk inside the church, to sing songs, to learn about God and worship Jesus. But she was afraid. She was alone, her clothes were shabby and unkempt…and she had no ticket. This church was often so crowded that admission tickets were handed out prior to the services to avoid overpopulation.  New facilities were desperately needed. Little Hattie was afraid of getting lost in the shuffle of people. Worse yet, she was afraid of being turned away. Reverend Conwell happened to walk by the front gate where Hattie was standing. He took compassion on her, lifted her up on his shoulder and carried the little girl into the church, through the crowded foyer he found a small corner for her in the Sunday School room.  

Hattie gave him the hug of a comforted and happy child. This embrace would be etched in his mind for a lifetime… A short time later, Hattie became ill and died.  Her parents sought out the kind-hearted pastor who had befriended their daughter.  At the funeral, her mother handed Reverend Conwell a small purse—Hattie’s purse. It contained 57 cents. Her mother told him tearfully that Hattie had been saving up her money to help build a bigger church…big enough for all the children. The Pastor was deeply moved. He gratefully accepted the little girl’s contribution. He later shared the story with the church congregation. Each of Hattie’s 57 pennies was auctioned.  Church members made donations.  Checks came in from far and wide. Hattie May Wiatt’s unselfish love had paid large dividends. Some of the members formed what they called the “Wiatt’s Mite Society”  in which they were dedicated to making little Hattie’s 57 cents grow.

The amount of money raised through these efforts was a sizeable investment towards the purchase of a new property.  54 of Hattie’s original pennies were, in time, donated back to the church, where they were put on display and can be seen to this day.  The next time you are in the city of Philadelphia, look up Temple Baptist Church, with a present seating capacity of 3,300.   And be sure to visit Temple University In addition to the Good Samaritan Hospital, both of which also claim their origin from the fruits of the Temple Baptist Church property purchased from the seed money of Hattie May Wiatt’s 57 cents.